Day 12 : Assumptions and Constraints

A frequently forgotten step in problem solving is identifying the assumptions made about the situation. Many will be hidden and unrecognized until a deliberate effort…

Day 14 : Stage Fear

Hi , Welcome back on day 14 of our journey to become a great speaker. Let us now focus on something without which you can…

Day 13 : Voice (Pitch & Volume)

Hi , Welcome back on day 13 of our journey to become a great speaker. Yesterday, we learnt about the PACE, today we will focus…

Day 12 : Voice (Pace)

Hi , Welcome back on day 12 of our journey to become a great speaker. Let us now resume the second half of this course…

Day 20 : Problem solving mindset

A problem solving mindset is crucial in every walk of life. When you have a problem solving mindset you understand the difference between actually solving…

Day 18 : Using criticism

Constructive criticism is a valuable tool in the workplace that allows individuals to learn and grow. But quite often people don't realize what a great resource…

Day 17: Presenting your solution

A key role in business is to persuade others to understand your viewpoint and agree with you, whether you are selling a product or relaying…

Day 15 : Evaluating Solutions

Once you look at a problem from multiple perspectives, it’ll lead to the generation of multiple solutions. When there are a number of options to…

Day 14 : Using multiple perspectives

Studies have proven that using multiple perspectives to think about problems can generate a huge variety of solutions which gives the problem solver a better…