How to delegate at scale : A step by step guide

How to delegate at scale GetAConnect

In this article we are going to give you a step-by-step process to delegate tasks at scale to grow your business.

Do you find that for anything that you do in your company, you need to depend on few special people? Is it a fact that few of your team members are not adding much of value? Do you feel stressed while delegating anything to them?

If any of the answers to the above questions is a YES, then this article is for you.

Let us begin :

Step 1 : Think of your existing business as 10X

If you are making a revenue of $10 m, think of it as a $100 m. This THINKING BIG is important because you are going to build your systems to achieve this scale. When you suddenly look at scale, you do things differently. e.g. Imagine you have a small ice cream parlour, you might need only one vehicle for transport and book keeping of the ice cream boxes received/despatched daily. But if you have 100s of them across the country, you will need special team managing that.

Now let us look at how to convert this scale to what roles you need to do.

Step 2 : Find out roles that will exist

Which departments/functions will be existing? What kind of roles will be there? e.g. In the ice cream shop scenario above, you might have one person handling transport as well as book keeping. But after 10X growth you will need these as separate roles.

Now let is look at the next step… 

Step 3 : Find out tasks for those roles

For each role identified above find out tasks in detail. Which tasks in detail will be performed by each role?

Now the final step…

Step 4 : Create SOPs for those tasks

Create a detail checklist for those tasks. Write down how you will do that task, what are the checkpoints that should NOT be missed. What are the precautions to be taken. In short create a detailed SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for performing those tasks.

Conclusion on how to delegate at scale :

Once you apply all the above steps for your future scaled up organization, you are ready with SOPs which can be handed over to person performing subject task.

Everything is now documented and all SOPs are ready for delegation at scale.

If you do this exercise well, you are sitting on a system which will do the job automatically for you.

Scaling up you business will become easy once you build a system to delegate.

We hope this blog is useful to you. At GetAConnect, we are on a mission to use Common Sense and Technology for ‘Everyday Learning’. We can Scale Up your business using Training and Development

Do check out more here and book a demo call with us to know more.

Thanks for reading and our BEST wishes to you for your future!

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