
A simple & wonderful technique for this is to chant 'A-U-M (Not 'Om') in the MORNING & that is your 'To Do' for next few…

Day 5 To-Do 1- Some Reflection

Recall any instance when you felt wholly into your work place. Why did you feel so? Do you  find all of the following elements present during…

Accepting yourself Copy

By doing this exercise, we are trying to attack the core reason of stage fear: Being considered less than perfect. Learning to accept yourself and…

To Do

Recall a situation where you felt a conflict between what you wanted and what you were having to do. Could you have changed your belief…


A simple & wonderful technique for this is to chant 'A-U-M (Not 'Om') in the MORNING & that is your 'To Do' for next few…

To Do- to be deleted

Next time you are in disagreement with someone, do not get tempted to move into a neutral zone. Simply say ’Sorry I don't agree with…