Q.1. You receive an email asking for your input on a meeting happening next week
a) Respond Now
b) Respond Later
Q.2. A colleague asks you to read over their presentation they are using later that afternoon to get their feedback
a) Decline
b) Help Them
Q.3 Your mobile phone buzzes and it’s a text from a friend arranging a night out
a) Text back now
b) Text back after work
Q.4 You receive a notification on your mobile from WhatsApp old colleague wants to connect
a) Respond now
b) Respond Later
Q.5 You receive a notification on your mobile from WhatsApp old colleague wants to connect over lunch
a) Have lunch
b) Skip Lunch
Q .6 You have been organizing team meetings which are no longer required
a) Continue them
b) Cancel them
Q .7 Outside your office window you notice two birds perched on your window ledge
a) Watch them
b) Ignore them
Q .9 You are responding to an email from your Manager and your phone rings.
a) Answer
b) Ignore
Q.10 Do you keep a to -do list
a) Yes
b) No