Get A Connect
SINCE WHEN (Year of Incorporation) : 2018
HOW MUCH (Annual Revenue in USD) : $1,000,000.00
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Company in Brief
GetAConnect is Your Go-To place to upgrade urself.
If you are a corporate, we provide you end to end Recruitment and L&D services, i.e. employer branding to attract talent, contests or course-wares to acquire/recruit them, onboarding & upgrading to train them & your other employees through our online courses.
If you are an individual we enable you with employability skills through our online courses, help you explore multiple employers (through Employer profiles on our portal) and also make you exhibit your skills through contests or course-wares launched on our portal by employers.
WHY (Mission, Values, Ethics)
To Make & Keep you Employable.
WHAT (Products and Services)
| MOOC | Micro learning | Social learning | Contests | Professional Network |
WHO (Customer being served)
Candidates (Freshers, Working Executives) and Growing Corporates.
To grow 9X in 3 years