About Us

Scale up your business with Content Funnels

GetAConnect Global in Brief :

A Company is NOT only about its Customers,

It is also about other two stakeholders : Its Partners and Employees.

Traditional Sales Funnels only focus on Customers, What if you also have similar funnels to focus on your Partners as well as Employees?

That’s what we at GetAConnectGlobal help you do, that too, at scale.

We provide you a combination of Learning and Marketing Technologies using which you can :

Capture your stakeholders using Quizzes (a cut above the existing passive blogs or time consuming webinars)

Nurture them online with a ‘Customized Content’ (As per the Quiz results from ‘Capture’ stage with Collection of your existing Blogs, Videos, Webinars – Delivered at one location in form of an online course, instead of dispersed blogs and Connect them with a online community/forum/group aka a Tribe)

Onboard and

Train them with your ‘Corporate Playbooks’

All this with no financial risks due to our SaaS (pay as you go) model.

GetAConnect Globally with Your Customers, Partners & Employees using Content Funnels Technologies and Scale up your business systematically.

Our Mission :

Our mission is to help you use Learning for REAL business outcomes. We do this by using Content Funnels not only for customers but for ALL of your business stakeholders such as customers, partners and employees.

You can use our innovative learning & marketing applications (One Example as shown below) to effortlessly Capture, Nurture, Onboard and Train (CNOT) and Certify your Customers, Partners and Employees. To summarize, We help you scale up your business with Content Funnels.

Who We Are :

Chanakya Joshi

Founder and Director

Content Funnels Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

An IIM Indore Alumnus, Chanakya has seen major business pain areas over the last two decades with blue chips in IT, Automotive and Consulting. He is now on a mission to use Learning REAL Business Outcomes and give Corporate L&D its due.

With his startup GetAConnect, they are scaling up businesses with End to End Content Funnels combining latest Learning and Marketing Technologies.

More than 50 ACTIVE Connectors

Who not only used but helped us improve our product in early days

GetAConnect platform was used and parallelly developed (in a lean way) by more than 50 contributors who actively created content on our platform in early days. Their contribution in development of this product is immense and without their initial involvement we would not have come this far.

What We Do :

We have many innovative examples of using Learning Funnels to scale up your business.
Here is one such example :
Capture and Nurture your potential customers :
Don’t sell. Consult. At Scale Yes, Consultative Selling is now possible at Scale!

You can automate it! Deliver Personalized Content to your target customers at first interaction for FREE using a combination of Assessment/Survey/Quiz (ASQ) Led Marketing and Education Led Marketing.
Make a lasting First Impression! That is the Next Level of Content Marketing for Lead Generation.

Why Now :

Digital Disruption is going to kill businesses without notice. The only way to survive is OutLearn. OutLearn, not just learn, because it is not just about “acquiring some skills”, but about “reinventing how business is done”.

Learning will be your Competitive Advantage

How We Do It :

It demands re-positioning of your L&D like R&D. This will need your own Corporate OutLearning Practice sponsored by your CXOs, not just HR function.
GetAConnect can help you build your Corproate OutLearning Practice, using latest learning and marketing technology, our domain knowledge of BEST Practices, at no ‘data risks’ to your organization.
You can now deliver business capabilities at scale by not only delivering your trainings automatically to your people but also deploying them to internal projects, assignments or jobs. You can do this by using Content Funnels. You can use our innovative learning applications to effortlessly Capture, Nurture, Onboard and Train (CNOT) and Certify your Customers, Partners and Employees.