Hi , The second step to scaling up your business is “Lead Nurturing”. It is all about nurturing the captured leads in the first step, at scale, that too, on a budget. Let’s apply our Scaling Up Framework to the Customers as a stakeholder.

Lead Nurturing using the Scaling Up Framework for Customers :

Lead Nurturing

Task at Hand

Lead Nurturing of Customer : Engage customers after they are in contact with your brand either from Lead Capturing step or from any other channel

For Whom

In this case, most probably, the target lead has already interacted with your brand.

The first requirement you need to set up is to have a logical linkage between the first content and this second content. This will not confuse the target leads.

The second and most important point is to create a content which can solve the Problem in totality for your targeted leads. Even if your offerings solve the problems of the leads partially, at this stage focus on the FULL PROBLEM. This will not make you look salesy, and will help you build trust with your leads.

The third point is try to give as many tips to solve the problem. Give better clarity about the use cases which they can connect to.

This Lead Nurturing content will be in a way a Consultative Selling from your side. You need to do this because that is what your leads are expecting from you these days.

Its simple, Solve their FULL problems, if you are not able to solve all of them, at least give them a Trusted Advice!

By Whom

This point is exactly similar to the step 1.

Find out which functions in your organization who are responsible for lead nurturing. Make sure that they are are communicating with each other. e.g. For Lead Capturing of customers, your Sales and Marketing both the functions collaborate well and create right content (normally done by marketing) and sends it to right audience (normally done by sales). But now for Lead Nurturing, the responsible function can change. e.g. To take the earlier example further, sales may not be responsible here but Marketing and Product team can be responsible. Marketing of course for content creation and Product team to add the product related aspects.

In summary, whoever are the functions responsible for Lead Nurturing, ensure that there is a collaboration between them.

How to DO

How to DO (For Whom)

Is the Lead Nurturing content easy to access? Is it visually appealing?

In comparison to the Lead Capturing, Lead Nurturing is a little different. Here you are thinking of a program to educate your leads. It is nothing but the Education Led Marketing and any education led initiative will not succeed unless you have peer learning element in it. Think of how smartly you can embed Peer Learning here.

How to DO (By Whom)

Ask these questions : Is the content creation process in place?
Is the process to deliver that content clearly defined?
Is the feedback mechanism in place?

How to Measure

How to Measure (For Whom)

The success of our Lead Nurturing content will be achieved when your or leads completely consume the content. It will be easy to measure, if it is a delivered in the form of a course, using Course Completion Percentage.
Lead Conversion Percentage can also be another great measure to have.

How to Measure (By Whom)

Feedback rating about the content by the users is a great way to measure the success of the content. It also helps to source new ideas from the users mind and is always an effective way.

How to Motivate

How to Motivate (For Whom)

Do you have a Certification for your course?
Can that certificate be shared on social networks?
Do you have tests with gamification elements such as Leaderboard of top achievers?

Think of all such points and even more to identify innovative ideas/solutions.

How to Motivate (By Whom)

Motivate your company employees to create more and more useful content to nurture the subject leads.

Take this Self Assessment Test to know where you are w.r.t Content Creation

Take this Self Assessment Test to know where how well you are motivating your employees to create training content

How to Automate

How to Automate (For Whom)

Think of how you can automate or semi automate the content delivery to the leads. Many times, leads are busy and it is important to send them a reminder email to consume your content. Such reminder email can be such automation idea.

Explore all possible automations you can think of to make your target leads consume and share your content.

How to Automate (By Whom)

Similarly, can we automate or semi automate the activities done by your employees? Be it content creation, content delivery, tests and certification etc.

Now take the below Self Assessment Test. Use the score and the result displayed to identify the improvement opportunities.

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