To Do 3 of 5

How good is your Onboarding process?

A good Onboarding process consists of following important elements :

1. Whom to onboard (Top down/Bottom up) :

You as an organisation should be clear about which stakeholder/s (e.g. employee, supplier, dealer etc) to be onboarded, both in terms of business need (top down) and the complexity of knowledge transfer (bottom up).

Note : If you are short on time, click the tab ‘Start To Do’ (at the bottom of this page) to take the assessment.

2. Prioritization :

Your organisation should be absolutely clear on which stakeholders’ onboarding is very critical and which ones not. This always helps your team to focus and saves a lot of dissipation of efforts.

3. Pre-Onboarding (Start early) :

Your organisation should always on look out for the Pre-onboarding opportunities e.g. Even before an employee joins, he is being trained or even before a supplier is officially supplying, he is trained.

4. Providing Tools :

Your organisation should be providing relevant tools to your people for content creation as well as content consumption. (e.g. Use of LMS, Internal social network, Internal webinars etc. should be well in place)

5. Process – Existing SOPs or BEST Practices documentation/Easy way to create content :

Your organisation should not be reinventing the wheel again. e.g. You have process to document existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/BEST Practices and the same is being used as a training material.

6. Stakeholder’s Language :

Your organisation should be training your stakeholders in their language. e.g. Your blue collar staff is getting trained in their local language.

7. Regular review of the Onboarding content :

Your onboarding content should be getting reviewed on regular basis (half yearly/yearly) to accommodate the new changes to keep it relevant.

8. Use of Automation for Onboarding :

Your organization should have already automated or are in the process of automating the most important steps in your onboarding process (e.g. Automated content delivery etc.)

9. Feedback about your Onboarding process :

You should collect feedback about the onboarding process and a mechanism should be well in place to implement the learnings/suggestions received.

10. Org Structure (Involvement of stakeholders in Onboarding design) :

Your organisation should involve newly onboarded stakeholders in the design of the onboarding content. This mechanism should be well in place to make your onboarding relevant to the audience.

11. Motivation to train others as well as get trained :

Your organisation should be motivating your people to create, share as well as consume onboarding content (e.g. KRAs, Awards, Internal recognition mechanism is well in place)

Do you want to know how good is your Onboarding process?

Answer these 11 carefully crafted questions and check out the same. Not only check out but identify areas where you need to improve!

Start the assessment here!

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