
Position : Course Creator

Five years back at this time I was...

A student aiming to excel in the field of Computer Science

My typical day looks like...

Mostly it is college, and then home; but I end up on my avocations like reading my novel or listen to music.

The BEST part of working in my company/role is...

I get to learn in return when I teach

The most Important skills I use daily in my job are...

Communication, programming, and leadership skills

When and How I chose my long term career choice...

My long term was just a cumulative progress f my short term goals. Understand that wealth is important but enhancing the skills take you farther…

One of the silliest things we do about career is...

Take decisions and opinions of unwanted people and that too, hastily

The best piece of advice I have ever received...

Do what your mind says…but follow your heart

The Jobs in 2050...

No humans…hardly any jobs…

The movie, TV show or book I would recommend you to read/watch...

Friends – TV Show
Rich Dad Poor Dad – Non-Fiction Novel

One thing I wish I had when I chose my career...

Proper guidance in my field of study

My career advice to you...

You do not need a degree to get a job, you do not have to always be a follower when you have the ability to lead…you are a born winner…

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