
Authentic people are highly trusted, valued and are effective in what they do. Being authentic doesn't mean being naive or simple or tactless. Auth…

Find your ikigai, the purpose of life

Ikigai is a gift to the mankind from the Japanese. It is your reason to get up in the morning. It is the reason of your being. It is your purpose o…

The Art of Estimation

How much money do you need for your retirement? By when can you finish this project? How much plywood would you need if you want to furnish your ho…

What successful people actually do

While there are few things to be done just to stay above the water i.e. get a job, money & get settled, there are few to achieve greater height…

How to be effective in your job

Being effective in your job does not come automatically. One needs to do the right things. There is a standard pattern in this and this course is s…